Monday, July 28, 2008


so, finally after much turmoil, i have a psych placement in Jan!! FOR SURE!! it's in West Memphis, AR, with children who have developmental disabilities and mental illnesses and stuff! It will definitely be a learning experience! One of my classmates is there now - I plan to talk to her to get the low down before too long. Anyway!

We've had an amazingly busy week! Saturday nite, I helped host my best friend Dottie's first shower and it was a lingerie shower at my house! It was a huge success!!!! We had a lovely intimate dinner with the most amazingly cute cake shaped like a corset complete with big round bosoms! We then played Kiss the Bride's Ass wearing bright red lipstick and kissing a pic of John Mark taped to a pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey game! Then, we read a panty poem to Dottie & gave her like 7 pairs of panties (white for first nite, black for honeymoon, red for valentine's, etc.). She opened presents & got tons of amazing stuff - she got a little bit of everything from fru-fru, cute, to racey & slutty! It was perfect!

After the official shower was over, some of the girls stayed after & some of the guys came over: Dottie's mom's fiance' (John), Dottie's fiance' (John Mark), and Anne's brother (Michael). We all played this crazy game - 4 ppl on a couch. Then we played Scattegories which is always fun. Mom spent the nite with me & Dottie slept in the extra BR. Mom & I got up Sun & went to Costco then down to Oxford/Abbeville. B went down the nite b4 after his double header softball game (both games they lost :(. His dad's birthday was yesterday (Happpppy Birthday to my fave FIL!). We got to visit with a lot of his fam-even some out-of-town cousins we haven't seen since like Christmas! It was great!

Then, we came home late last nite to find Dottie & John Mark registering for things at Lowe's on our computer (hint hint). Yes, they have no computer! We played our favorite game, Settlers of Catan while I dovetailed addressing wedding invitations. B won, D & JM left, & we went to bed.

This morning, I went in early (7 AM) (no outpt til 10) & tx on the floors!!! (in acute care in other words). Then, we had a full day in outpt care! I even got to make an outrigger splint for a pt - my first splint for a pt ever!!! It wasn't pretty but if you could have seen the guy's face when we put that on, it would have made your week! He was so excited to have a regained ability to open his hand to grasp things! He & I also got in a discussion about Wii games & how he could use his Wii at home to help with his rehab! It was awesome!

I came home this afternoon to B & Dottie who was waiting on me to work out. We ran/walked somewhere around 2/2 miles. Not bad considering I'm far from considering myself a "runner!" I'm embracing it though - Dottie's tolerating me! It was a great workout but man it really kicked my arse.

B worked from home today. Our AC messed up over the wknd but he figured out how to fix it. I'm about to help him, then take a shower, and finally make some fish tacos for dinner! YUM YUM.

This is my last week as full time outpt. I will be floating next week between acute, NICU, & outpt (probably NICU & outpt mostly). I am superexcited to work with the itty bitty babies!! yayayayay!

And I'm out.


Monday, July 21, 2008

finally - a full day of outpts!!

Yay! Finally, we saw patients in outpt all day. Recently, it's been like 10 scheduled and only 1 shows up...boring. My CI & I have hypothesized several reasons for this no-show phenomenon: 1. gas: prices are way too high & it's hard to justify coming to therapy when you live 60 mi away or something. as much as I love OT, not everyone has the same passion! LOL 2. holidays/vacations: ppl are in & out of town, busy, and have kids out of school to take care of. Therefore, therapy gets put (understandably) on the back-burner. 3. Ppl may not understand the benefits/importance of OT. So, we need to get the word out there that OT IS AWESOME & EVERYONE NEEDS A LITTLE OT!!

On a side note, I need to refresh on the Purdue Pegboard & learn more about the O'Connor Tweezer Dexterity Test (heard of it?). I don't remember the O'Connor from school. Anyway.

Just wanna say - I have the best husband ever - I've had a headache since last Wed & he's so sweet to me. Even though I want to do stuff around the house, he encourages me to just relax & he'll take care of it all. And he actually does! He's cooking dinner right now (fish tacos - yum!). & it's I'm going to eat! Thanks for reading!


PS I'm going to TMJ specialist on Wed!! YAY!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

well, sorry

Sorry I haven't posted in a few days...I've had the same headache for 4 days straight now. But that's ok :). I'm going to a TMJ specialist on Wed afternoon after work to have her analyze me...I hope she's able to help me! All I can say is: at least it's not a brain tumor!

This week has been crazy! My CI has been very sick b/c she is pregnant. She turned in her 2 wk notice on Thurs b/c she is trying to find somewhere she can go full time and get full benefits (her current insurance doesn't cover maternity). So, it looks like I'll be going to NICU a week early! (I was going to do 6 wks outpt/6 wks NICU). Now I get to do 5 wks outpt/7 wks NICU. Am I complaining? I think not! I am really excited about hanging out with the itty bitty babies!!!!!!!!!

Last nite, we had sooo much fun! Karen, Doug, E, & M came over & we hung out for a while, played Mario Kart Wii, and then played Scattergories - which is hilarious playing with those ppl! Their creativity is astonishing! I freaking love Scattergories!

My mom adopted another cat (she already has 2 cats & 2 dogs) the day before yesterday. He's 4, his name is Orangey, & he apparently looks like Sweet Pea (oh, joy.). His owner is moving, and super upset to give him away. But what she doesn't know, is that Orangey is going to the best cat caregiver in the world! The owner is a friend of a friend. Well, the cat disappeared yesterday morning. Mom was soooo very upset. She thought he was gone forever. She was depressed all day long. So sad :(. She called Orangey's previous owner and said something like, "I did the best I could with Sweet Pea, but I'm not sure that I did my best with Orangey!" She felt terrible.

Then, around 10 o'clock last nite, Richard hears a meow. Orangey was in my mom's closet. All day. She was sooooo relieved! As were the rest of us b/c mom would have never forgiven herself if he had disappeared. Needless to say, mom's much better now & I imagine Orangey is, too.

I'm going to look for lingerie shower stuff for Dottie's lingerie shower I'm helping host next weekend!! B's going to another woodworking class. He's mowing the grass right now. He's such a great husband. I really can't believe how fun & amazing our life together is! Cheesy I know.

I promise more posts this week...maybe.


Monday, July 14, 2008

ahh the wknd

We had a great wknd this past wknd. On Sat, I woke up at 6:30 AM and went to the Memphis Farmers Market with Karen. Check it out: I met 3 of her friends who are major foodies. MFM was amazing & fun! But it was soooo hot!

After MFM Karen & I went to the Mississippi River & walked right along the water's edge. It was supercool. Then we sat down on some rocks to watch the water. I found this really cool stone that had layers upon layers built up & threw it to see if I could break it (not very hard or far). 1 piece broke off that looks like 3 states if you turn it the right way (more if you think about it really hard): MS, TN, and AL. It's kind of a stretch but I kept it anyway!

B got up & mowed the grass & got his hair cut Sat morn. We had lunch & B went to a woodworking class at a local woodworking shop. He really enjoyed it, I think!

Last nite, I decided to ride my bike for my workout. I rode for about 15 min when I noticed my tire was low (plus my handlebars were messed up). So, I came home but really wasn't finished working out, so I decided to walk. My legs were already warmed up so before I knew it, my walk turned into a run. And for those of you who know me at all, you know that Kerri does not run. I'm not a runner. Not built like one. It hurts to run. Except for last nite strangely enough. So, I'm going to start running some...just a bit. & incorporate it into my workouts that I already do. Just for a change. We'll see where it leads me! Watch out America - I might be the next Forrest Gump! LOL

FW today was a blast (as usual)! I observed an OT Eval in Acute care first thing since outpt first pt wasn't until 10 AM. The eval was interesting...the doctor was in there the whole time which was fine. At times, I felt in the doctor's way & at times, I think she felt in our way. It was quite awkward. So what are the expectations? If I had to set the expectations, I would say it's whoever is in there first gets to do what they need to do with the pt. If the doctor's in there first, then the OT comes back later. BUT if the OT is in there first, the doctor says "Oh, I'll just come back later," yet never leaves & sneaks her exam in during the OT session! Does anyone else thinks at times this can be distracting to the pt & therapist(s)? Too many ppl in the room? But at the same time, I understand a doctor has a tight schedule...but it's not like no one else has a tight schedule! The doctor today was very nice & I'm sure was well intentioned but I felt we could not get an accurate eval in b/c of her involvement at times. Maybe we could have come back later - but maybe she could have, too. Esp since she said she would at the beginning! Anyway - I'm ranting on way too long - much longer than I really care about this subject!

I treated outpts the rest of the day. We had 2 evals (which I performed yay). One was a girl who is my age & has already had a stroke (at 17 y/o!). She had an amazing spirit though. She really brightened my day.

After I came home & changed clothes & got a snack, I headed to E & M's to see their new puppy - Lucy. She's sooo cute. She looks like an itty bitty German Shepherd with floppy ears & a long body. She's very small though - part Dauchsand (sp) & part something else. Anyway - had a blast over there. Now I'm just waiting for B to get home so we can have dinner....mmmmmm fish tacos!!

Oh - btw - made tzatziki sauce from scratch yesterday. Found a great recipe - give it a try: It's deliious with beef, chicken, rice, anything really!

and I'm out.


Friday, July 11, 2008


so, my CI called in sick today, so I was able to observe TICU with a new OT for 1 pt. Then I went to NICU with another OT. I was stoked. I freaking LLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEE NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit)!!! I saw the tiniest babies I've ever seen. The smallest one being 2.5 pounds!! & her PCA was term! (her post conceptual age was 38 weeks). She was born at 34 wks so it's strange that she's so small. But man, NICU was amazing. I really think I've found the love of my OT life. Actually, I am probably going to go to the NICU for the 2nd 6 wks of my 12 wk rotation. The OT said I'll get to do all the treatments with the babiesssss!!!!!

ok. so anyway. I can't be a NICU OT right out of school - I have to have 2 yrs clinical experience. But it's possible to work for 2 years in the same location as a NICU but in a rehab (either acute or inpt) then transfer to NICU. So, I dunno - we'll see!

I'm excited to learn more & more about OT in the real world!


Thursday, July 10, 2008

the sweet pea story

When I was 6, my mom got this cat as a gift from a Presbyterian minister. His name was Sweet Pea (the cat - not the minister!). We had him for about a year when he had trauma. Major trauma. To this day, we're not sure what happened, but we think he got hit by a car or something. And lived.

We were dirt poor (we = my mom & me) living in Memphis. My mom somehow paid hundreds of dollars to have Sweet Pea's dear tail amputated so he could live. I mean I'm talking blood transfusions, stitches, the whole nine yards.

A couple of years later, we move to Water Valley, MS, & I get a kitten named Tigger. Sweet Pea has moved with us from Memphis to WV. At this point he has no tail.

Tigger develops a sore on the side of his cheek, so we take him to the vet who then diagnosis Tigger with Leukemia. No more Tigger much to my dismay. The vet suggests we bring in Sweet Pea b/c Leukemia is very contagious within cats. So we do.

When we bring him in, the office says, "We also have this new test for Feline HIV/AIDS. Can we test him for that, too?" Sure go ahead. The cat tests negative on Leukemia & positive on AIDS. At this point, he has no tail & AIDS.

A few years later, Mom's dear cat gets constipated. And of course, being the animal-(esp Sweet Pea)lover my mom is, she is giving Sweet Pea daily enemas at home. The vet in Oxford tells her it's his colon. She takes Sweet Pea to Memphis & pays no telling how much to have his colon removed. At this point, he has no tail, AIDS, & no colon.

B/c of all of these surgeries on his ass, Sweet Pea now has no nerve endings to push out his poo. No worries though - Mom to the rescue. For the next 5 years (yes, 5 YEARS), my mom literally squeezes the shit out of Sweet Pea every day. He thanks her by kissing her face every morning. Either that or he's trying to lick her to death so he can rest in peace!

If my mom didn't squeeze him regularly (& sometimes even if she did), Sweet Pea had anal leakage. Oh joy. My mom figured out the best way to clean it up was to let it dry & then vacuum it up with her $1000 Kirby. Genius. That vacuum cleaner still smells like poo to this day. & she still uses it.

Anyway, in June 2003, we were leaving for the airport as I was heading out west to Cali to stay with my g'parents for the summer. I was pulling my rolling suitcase through the house when I ran it over some of dear Sweet Pea's anal leakage. I hated that cat btw. & so did Richard.

We saw Sweet Pea out in the yard when I said, "I hate that cat." My mom said, "Don't say that about my Sweet Pea!" & ran & gave him a kiss. That was the last time we ever saw him. He was 13 y/o when he just couldn't take it anymore - having no colon, no tail, no nerve endings, & AIDS. Perhaps he could have benefitted from OT! LOL

But wait it gets better. Mom finds his body after a few days (ewww) & buries him where she saw him last with a bird bath as a grave marker. The following Feb (2004), my parents go to France to visit some friends living over there. Naturally, my mom carries a pic of Sweet Pea with her in her wallet. She commissions an artist in France to draw a chalk drawing of Sweet Pea. So, 6 wks later, the chalk drawing comes in the mail.

Mom then takes the drawing to the most expensive place in Oxford to frame it (only the best for Sweet Pea!). Mom comes home, walks in the living room, takes down the family portrait & replaces it with the portrait of Sweet Pea! He has finally relocated into her bedroom sitting area.

One more side note - when my mom would go out of town, she would pay someone to come squeeze Sweet Pea everyday so he didn't explode. Richard & I would not touch him EVER!!!

Here's a pic of the portrait with my cat that we've had since I was 11 (he's 13 y/o), Squirt, who mom tells everyday "I still miss Sweet Pea, too, Squirt!"

Well, here's my question for you: what about OT for our furry friends - pets, zoo animals, wild animals? At times, they need rehab, environmental adaptations, etc. At conference last year, I went to a session where a girl discussed her Level 2 rotation at a zoo-treating animals! Thoughts?

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

just a warning


the first ever version of the sweet pea story in writing! (or typing!)

get excited!

i freaking love trauma icu!

Unfortunately, trauma occurs to ppl. But fortunately, these ppl have wonderful facilities like THE MED to come to for quality care from ppl like urs truly! I started out the morning in outpt...slow as usual. Then, my CI let me go with the COTA to the trauma icu (TICU for short)!!! It was incredible! All the tubes & wires & doctors & nurses & stuff...o-mazing!

We treated several pts in the course of 2 hours...I really enjoy that fast paced setting. Actually, I didn't treat, I just observed the COTA treat. I'm still trying to just get more comfortable with all the wires & stuff & the kinds of injuries that are common. For example, we saw this poor kid, we'll call him Tom. He is 17 y/o and was in a bushogging accident & lost both legs. Tragic, I know. But man, his heart, his will, and his smile will melt your heart. He is from a small town near where we're from so we made some connections being from close areas. He's one of those pts you'll never forget b/c of his awesomeness. At the end of his (very short) session, he gave us both hi-fives & squeezed our hands as if to say thank you (he's on a trach which means he can't vocalize words - just mouth them). He made my day. God bless him!

I left at lunch for 2 reasons: 1. my CI was leaving & 2. I had a dr's appt with the neurologist who specializes in neurosurgery just to follow up my findings from last week:

1. find out if my "possible communication" between my frontal sinus & my brain cavity is a) possible and b) something to worry about.

2. to reconfirm the findings of the MRI - that my brain damage is not progressive & there's abs no reason to follow up on it.

3. my headaches - to be sure he thought nothing else was going on &

4. to help me out with my sciatica (it's having a flare up) esp since my internist doesn't want me taking pain meds right now (except for the migraine meds he gave me samples of)

His conclusions:

1. IF there is hole in the bone, it seems evident that the membranes on either side are still intact. He concludes this by the fact that I've never had meningitis. He's going to get my sinus CTs from my allergist from last year to see if he can see anything more to confirm or disprove the existence of the hole. If in fact there is a hole (big if) then to fix it I'll just need sinus surgery where they fill my sinus with bone cement or fat or something.

2. No need to follow up on my brain stuff. It's HIGHLY unlikely (like 1 in a billion) that it's a benign weird tumor that is in the exact same place as my head trauma & concussion from 13 yrs ago. Hmmmm. We know it's definitely NOT malignant b/c it did not light up with contrast.

3. TMJ syndrome. Pretty much nothing we can do about that right now. F/u with my dentist.

4. Prescribed me a medrol dose pack (steroids) to decrease the swelling & hopefully decrease the symptoms. Since my internist wants me to fast from all OTC pain relievers, it's hard to treat the sciatica with just stretching & heat. (Anybody have a TENS unit I can have? Thx.)

So then B & I came home (he went with me to the dr of course!). We had spaghetti for dinner (yum). We decided to pass on small group tonite 1. b/c we wouldn't be together & after the week we've had we really need each other right now! and 2. b/c we weren't sure what was going to happen at the dr.'s office. It's really a good thing b/c we were gone for 4 hours. My appt was at 2:20. We didn't see the dr until 4:20. I actually took a nap on the exam table waiting for him! We didn't get back home until 5! Needless to say, as non-energy-zapping as that might sound, I'm exausted!

We finished watching the Princess Bride (as you know, I, of course, fell asleep b4 the end of it last nite!) & played gin rummy (did I tell you I love that game?!).

I talked to my gramma today. My great aunt - her sister - Viv is not doing so well. She fell and broke her hip about 2 yrs ago & has never been the same since. She's living alone but not taking her meds right or eating properly if at all. Meals on wheels has started coming which is great but not enough. They are meeting in San Francisco in the coming weeks with the case manager & social worker & doctors & stuff to get her in a nursing home near my grandparents in SoCal. They've had difficulty trying to convince her in the past. Let's just pray that she easily concedes that her quality of life will be much improved by living in a home near gramma & grampa.

Today is my aunt, Renee', and my stepmom, Aimee's birthdays! HAPPY BIRTHDAY LADIES!'s been a long day & I'm ready for bed (at 9:30!!!!). Can't wait for tomorrow! Hope I get some acute care in again! I LOVE IT!


Tuesday, July 8, 2008

get it wal-mart

i unfortunately have to give it to wally world. we were just there & since it's so far from our house (like 7 mi instead of 2) we rarely go there so when we do, i like to walk around and window shop (one of our fave pastimes anyway!). we found some really awesome patio furniture. but we're going to think about it b4 we buy them.

yesterday & today were great as far as fieldwork. yesterday, i followed an OT on in acute care. it was AWESOME. except for the fact that i almost puked & passed out...not sure what it was...something subconscious didn't like what i was seeing, smelling, and what i had eaten for lunch. but the OT was great about it. she escorted me out of the room, sat me down, and got me some water. she says it happens all the time. saw a guy who shot himself in the shoulder with a shotgun. he had a skin graft and shortly after the OT showed it to me, i started feeling woozie. but anyway.

today i went to acute for the morning and followed a well-seasoned cota who has sooooooooo much to offer. she was awesome! i saw my first pt with hiv/aids. the cota treated him as i watched. he was end stages and unresponsive. it upset me slightly on the inside but i held it together. i've really developed my empathy skills (if that's a skill?) through school while

omg. i just witnessed jerry f'ing springer crying!!! lol.

ok. anyway. oh yeah empathy and stuff. school's helped me find a balance between empathy (feeling what ur pts feel) and maintaining composure when necessary.

anyway enough sappy stuff.

after work yesterday, karen came over and we all went to wolf river park and walked. it was great fun.

i'm still trying to finish reading pillars of the earth...slowly but surely. but man that book is amazing!

today, we went to pizza hut to celebrate my cousin, Katie's 96th b'day!!! yeah, longevity runs in my fam: my great-gramma lived to 96, her sister til 90 something, my great-grandfather to a month shy of 90, my great aunt is 88, and the list goes on! a couple of years ago, i met the grandson (who was in his 70s!) of the oldest living woman in the world (she was 114 y/o at the time). she just recently passed away (at 116!). incredible!

couple of ot questions for those out there in the field:

1. any inservice ideas? (wii-hab's been done!) ideas i've had:
- low vision
- case study with wii-hab
- create a project myself
- therapeutically create a project for a pt to leave at the facility
- all of course will follow the centennial vision: evidence-based, client-centered, occupation-based
2. how do you remain occupation-based when u have no money or goods? ideas i've had:
- have a pt create a meaningful project that will be useful for future pts. (e.g. someone who likes woodworking, make a shoulder arc or something)
- make something urself for inservice
- bring random inexpensive things to work

ok enough for now

Sunday, July 6, 2008

garden help

does anyone know how to plant a veggie/fruit garden in memphis? i want to start a garden potentially but don't really know the details. thx!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Gil's going to the Olympics!!

I can officially say that I now know an Olympian! My best friend (I have a lot of best friends!) Dottie (the one who is getting married Sept 6th!) has 2 younger brothers, Gil & Brooks. All 3 kids have been swimming forever - but I knew them all b4 they started swimming...just for the record. Gil, the middle one, swims for Georgia and is a senior-ish there. He just went to Olympic trials this week to compete to go to Beijing. He was ranked 3rd in the nation going into his event - the 200 fly. He had to place at least 2nd to make the team. Well, Michael Phelps - that stinker - dominates the 200 fly. So Gil was vying for 2nd place against Tarwater - Phelps' teammate apparently. Gil was 2nd going into the semi-finals & 3rd going into the finals. He swam his personal best time for the finals & beat Tarwater, got 2nd, and is now going to the Olympics!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow. What a week! I will update you on the rest of my week very soon. It's been very hectic.

So, if you don't watch anything else in the Olympic games, make sure you watch Gil Stovall in the 200 fly.

Here's what my congrats was to Gil: "Dude, no pressure, but can I touch your gold medal when you get back from Beijing? Thx."

Hopefully, he'll let me!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

A Timeline Starting Tues of This Past Week

Tues, July 1st. Our 2nd Wedding Anniversary!

11:30 AM: My internist calls & leaves a msg on my voicemail regarding my CT scan from Saturday. He says he sees a "spot" on my right frontal lobe that he wants to get checked out with MRI & that he'll call the other number on my chart.

11:35 AM: The internist gets B on the phone & tells him the same thing (nothing less, nothing more).

12:15 PM: I get the msg, call B, cry, freak out, go in shock, and we call the dr. back. On hold for 30+ min off/on trying to find out where the doctor is.

12:45 PM: Find out dr. had left to go do rounds. My MRI will be scheduled by the office.

1:45 PM: Dr. calls me back & tells me it's a 1 cm lesion/spot on my right frontal lobe that he wants to have checked out with MRI. He informs me that it could be malignant or benign but probably gonna have to be removed. I ask him if it is possible for my lesion to be caused by scar tissue or something related to my 4 wheeler wreck when I was 11 y/o b/c I hit a brick mailbox & a brick hit me or I hit something really hard over my right eye & my right forehead. He said he seriously doubted that possibility (GREAT!). The doc tells me that his nurse is out of the office for the afternoon and I probably won't get scheduled for an MRI until tomorrow (Wed) afternoon, but to call back and ask for a specific lady who might be able to schedule it sooner.

2-3 PM: B plays secretary, calls the office for me b/c I had to get back to work. He gets the lady the dr. said to & expresses the urgency we are feeling. She says she'll call him back in 30 min with more info. She calls back with an MRI scheduled for tonite (Tues) at 7:30 PM. B calls & tells his parents.

3:15 PM: I get off work & call B who was calling me at the same time. He tells me about my 7:30 PM appt. I head home. Call my mom tell her the news & see if she wants to come for my MRI and she of course says yes. She, Richard (my stepdad), & B's mom & dad come for my MRI (THANK YOU!).

7-8:30 PM: We're at the hospital & I get my MRI.

8:30 - 8:35 PM: The awesome ppl at the MRI let me look at the images of my brain!! Yes, folks, it's true - I have a brain!!

8:45 PM: We all go get ice cream.

8:45 PM on Tues - 12:00 PM on Wed: We play the waiting game.

Wed, July 2nd.

12:00 PM: No news from doctor. We talk to his office - he's out on Wed's & won't be in until tomorrow. We call B's aunt J who is an office manager for a doctor. She suggests we request my results from the MRI place & go get it ASAP. So we do. The lady at the MRI place has it ready in 20 min for pick up.

12: 30 PM: B returns home with the results (I'm at work 20 min away). According to the radiologist, there are 2 findings of significance. 1. the 1 cm spot on the CT is actually encephalomalacia most likely due to remote trauma. In other words, it's scar tissue essentially. 2. My frontal sinus - which should be an enclosed space - is open to my anterior brain cavity.

12:31 PM: We are RELIEVED.

2:00 PM: Internist's nurse calls to set up an appt. We make it for the next day - Thurs at 3:30.

6:30 PM: Dottie's brother Gil swims in the finals for the 200 fly for the Olympics! He is seated 3rd going into the final & must get 2nd. Well, HE DOES!! He's going to the Olympics! (see July 4th post)

7:30 PM: B & I celebrate our anniversary with tuna melts, chips, champagne, and white table outside for the evening. He was soooo sweet (as always); he made the dinner & surprised me with the champagne and white table cloth!

Thurs, July 3rd. Dottie's 24th Birthday!!!

3:30 PM: We meet with the internist. He cuts to the chase and says basically it was caused by my 4 wheeler wreck after all; he was wrong, I was right. But I'm still having headaches and the doctor is unsure of the relative risk of the frontal sinus communication with my anterior brain cavity, so we're still gonna go to the neurologist still on Wed, July 9th. So now we just wait for the neurologist appt to re-confirm the findings. But we're confident there are no worries.

So now you can understand why I haven't posted much this week! But no worries - I'm back into the swing of things!
