Sunday, October 18, 2009

good pasta recipe

recently i discovered mark bittman (thanks j!) who writes a food blog for NY times and has written millions (or at least seems like millions) of cook books including How to Cook Everything Vegetarian which one of my coworkers lent me for a while (thanks again j!). last nite, we made caramelized onion pasta which was YUM YUM YUM.

mark bittman is great and is very helpful in his book. we are going to start collecting his cookbooks! here's the recipe sort of:

2 servings

3 medium onions sliced (we used food processor)
2 Tbsp olive oil then 1 Tbsp in tossing
some capers
some black olives
salt & pepper
1/2 pound long pasta (we used whole wheat thin spaghetti)
water for boiling
kosher salt for boiling

1. slice onions. place in large pan over low-med heat covered. cook stirring every 5 min and after the mushrooms start losing the moisture (~20 min or so) and begin sticking to bottom, remove cover and turn up heat to medium.
2. bring water to boil. while waiting, add in 2 Tbsp oil to onions. let the onions cook ~15-20 min more. add in capers and olives during this step. once water is boiling, add in kosher salt and pasta. cook until al dente.
3. drain pasta reserving 1/2 c liquid. toss pasta with onion mixture in bowl - add the last of the olive oil and a bit of the reserved liquid (we didn't use all of the pasta liquid). serve with sprinkles of parmesan, goat cheese, or feta (just very little) - this part is optional.

very yummy but would probably be better served as a side to something else...haven't figured out yet what that something else would be. any suggestions?

give it a try and lemme know whatcha think.

o and check out mark bittman:


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